
Hi! I'm Emma Howard, creator of Emma's Gluten Free Mixes. I'm a lover of good food, residing in a rural holler of Middle Tennessee. 

Over the years, for various health concerns, my mother has had us try out just about every diet in the book: raw, vegan, vegetarian, whole-grain, GAPS, FODMAPS, paleo, dairy-free, nightshade-free, grain-free, etc., etc., etc. I’m head cook in our big family and learning to concoct edible dishes within so many strict parameters has been one of the greatest training experiences of my life.

Naturally, it can be rather hard to bake delicious food that is supposed to be made out of… well, sometimes it’s hard to figure out what I can make it out of. But, through it all, I have had an unjustifiable amount of fun chopping, sautéing, smelling, rolling, licking, whipping, and broiling different foods in all their glorious textures and flavors. One of the best parts of healthy eating is that you are always working with whole foods- eliminating all those additives and just leaving the raw delectableness of the original item.

I have now spent years of my life researching, experimenting, cooking, and (every once in a while) perfecting dozens and dozens of gluten-free recipes. My family is gracious in my failures and positively rhapsodic in my successes, providing me with a heartily supportive crowd to learn on. My dad encouraged me to do something with all of the gluten-free knowledge I have acquired over the past few years, and so Emma’s Gluten Free Mixes was born.

I’ve been selling at the Franklin Farmer’s Market the past few summers, with a great crowd of faithful customers. Now Emma’s Gluten Free Mixes are online, and I’m looking forward to getting to know a whole new crowd of wonderful people.
